Dyke Marsh US-9961

Early afternoon activation of Dyke Marsh. As I normally do, I tried replying to a few CQ’s first to make sure everything is working. It wasn’t. First, I needed to use a longer cable today, no problem, I have one. But I didn’t have the extra adapter to attach the BNC cable to the amp. Switched around the radio to amp cable, freed up the adapter I needed, should be in business.

But no. Now no power is going out. I double checked connectors, swapped some cables, restarted everything. Nothing. Finally tried completely resetting all wfview settings and starting from scratch – that did the trick. For anyone on MacOS the command to totally blow away all wfview settings is:

defaults delete-all org.wfview.wfview

Caution – this deletes all wfview settings. You may want to take notes of your current settings (or a screenshot) before doing this.

Once on the air everything went smoothly. 20m FT8 was packed, but I made about 44 unique qso’s running 10W on my Wolf River Coils 213″ whip. I’m getting a bit better at this – brought lunch and some drinks with me this time.

The location I activated from is a 5-fer:

Dyke Marsh US-9961
George Washington Memorial Parkway US-0670
Virginia Bird & Wildlife State Trail US-9935
Mount Vernon National Historic Trail US-9898
Potomac Heritage Trail National Scenic Trail US-4564

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